• This is my family!Look!This is my father .He is strong and tall ,he is strict too.This is my mum,shi is friendly and pretty,she is kind too.This is my two brothers,their is clever and hard-working.Thi

    2014-12-29 20:05
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  • ''新年好啊!新年好啊!祝福大家新年好。。。。''鼓角梅花添一部,五更欢笑迎新年在优美的诗词中,在悠扬的音乐声中,我们迎来了新的一年。我可喜欢春节了,家家户户贴倒福,贴对子,吃团圆饭,放鞭炮,烤火把。。。。到处都洋溢着喜气洋洋的气氛。 今天是除夕,我们一家来到奶奶家帮忙。大人忙里忙外,忙得不可开交,而小孩们呢?都聚到一起嬉戏打闹。哥哥们在搜集鞭炮,等着晚上放个够呢!开饭喽!真丰盛!有奶奶爱吃

    2014-12-18 19:11
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  • Inmy room,there is abig bed beside the wall,above the bed there is a pretty clock and beside the bed,there is a big shelf,many books are in this shelf.There is a white desk beside the window,I ofen do

    2014-12-09 19:18
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  • 宪法是我国的根本大法,它的效力也是高于我国其他任何一部法律!它是我国的根本大法主要表现在:1.宪法的内容与一般法律不同!2.宪法的法律效力与一般法律不同!3.宪法的制定和修改的程序与一般法律不同!4.对宪法的解释和监督实施有特别的规定! 宪法:是指集中体现统治阶级的意志和利益,规定国家的根本制度,确定公民的基本权利和义务,具有最高法律效力的国家根本大法. 世界上出现最早的宪法是英国的宪法,但

    2014-12-06 19:18
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  • Hallo!Ms Wang is our head teacher,she iskind and friendly,she is young too.Our maths teacher is Ms Liu,she is kind and funny,she is pretty too!My English teacher is Ms Ping,she is pretty and young.She

    2014-12-06 19:16
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  • Li:Dear mum,what's you favourite person? M:My favourite person are you. Li:What's you favourite food? M:My favourite food is tomato. Li:What's you favourite food? M:Banana and apple. Li:Oh,thank

    2014-12-05 20:40
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  • Hello!Everybody,I am Li Jiawen,I am in ciass two,gradefive.MyEnglish name is Kaiya.I have big eyes,big mouth and long hair.I am funny and friendly. My best friend is Sun Qingqing.My favourite person i

    2014-12-03 20:34
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  • 叮叮铛铛睡得正熟的我被吵醒了,睡眼朦胧的我看了看表,唉呀妈呀!6;50了,要迟到了!!我以刘翔百米跨栏的速度穿好衣服,又急急忙忙得 叠起被来,匆匆忙忙的奔向厕所。。。。。。直到七点张晴晴来找我一起去上学,我还没吃饱呢!7:20,刚刚关上门,我想起英语书落在家里,又急忙回去找。7;35了,我们只得小跑着去。一路上,张晴晴说;都怪你这个丢三落四,粗心大意的小懒虫害我们跑着去!!!就这样去了学校。第

    2014-12-02 19:49
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