
2015-07-29 21:33评论(1) 浏览(122)
血型透露的小秘密 像星座一样,血型也总是给人一种神秘感,你了解你的血型吗?知道你的血型有什么特别之处吗? AIf you have blood type A 如果你是A型血 Type A only has A antigens on red cells and B antibodies in the plasma; if you have type A blood, you can donate red blood cells to types A and AB.  A型血人的红细胞上只有抗原A,血浆中有B抗体细胞;如果你是A型血,你可以将红细胞捐献给A型和AB型血的人。 The makeup of a person’s antigens on red blood cells can determine how much of a certain hormone gets released. If you have type A blood, you're more likely to have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body. There are a number of health risks that are associated with type A blood, such as a 20 percent higher chance of developing stomach cancer compared to types O and B, and a 5 percent increased risk for heart disease compared to those with type O. 一个人红细胞上的抗原构成决定了某一类型荷尔蒙的释放量。如果你是A型血,那么你体内的压力荷尔蒙皮质醇含量很有可能会更高一些。许多健康风险都与A型血有关。比如,A型血人患上胃癌的风险要比O型和B型血人高出20%,患上心脏病的风险比O型血人要高出5%。 In addition, if you have type A blood, you are at higher risk for several types of cancer, such as some forms of pancreatic cancer and leukemia; according to the BBC, you are also more prone to smallpox infections and severe malaria. Ironically, those with type A also have been found to be less magnetic to mosquitoes – so there's reason to rejoice! 不仅如此,A型血人的患癌几率也更高一些,比如胰脏方面的癌症和白血病。根据英国广播公司(BBC)报道,A型血人更容易感染天花和重症疟疾。不过略显讽刺的是,人们还发现A型血人更不容易招蚊子——真是塞翁失马焉知非福。 If you have blood type A, you have some great traits. You are earnest, creative, sensible, reserved, patient and responsible (even if you are also stubborn and tense). A型血人具备一些优秀的品质,比如真诚、富有创造力、明智、内秀、有耐心并且有责任心(虽然他们也会很固执,容易焦虑)。BIf you have blood type B 如果你是B型血If you have type B blood, you only have the B antigens on red cells and A antibodies in the plasma; you can donate red blood cells to those with types B and AB blood. B型血人的红细胞上只有抗原B,血浆中有A抗体细胞;他们可以将红细胞捐献给B型和AB型血的人。 Those with type B have an 11 percent increase in risk of heart disease over those with type O. A study at Harvard University found that women with AB or B blood have a raised risk of developing ovarian cancer, but if you have type B, it’s not all bad news. Those with type B blood have up to 50,000 times the number of strains of friendly bacteria than people with either type A or O blood, which means all kinds of good things. B型血人比O型血人患上心脏病的风险要高出11%。哈佛大学的一项研究发现,血型为AB或者B的女性患上卵巢癌的几率更高。但对于B型血人来说,也不全是坏消息:他们体内益生菌的种类要比A型或O型血的人高出约5万倍,这对身体可是大有裨益。 You can be proud of your passion, active nature, creativity and strength. On the other hand, you’re also selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving and erratic. B型血人充满激情、活跃、富有创造力、力量充沛。但另一方面,他们也很自私、不负责任、爱记仇并且性情古怪。 ABIf you have blood type AB 如果你是AB型血 Those with AB blood have both A and B antigens on red cells, but neither A nor B antibody in the plasma. If you have AB positive blood, you are universal plasma donor.  AB型血人的红细胞上同时存在抗原A和抗原B,但血浆中既没有A抗体细胞,也没有B抗体细胞;如果你是AB阳性血型,你就是一个万能的血浆捐献者。  People with type AB have been found to have a 23 percent increased risk of heart disease over those with type O blood. Having AB blood may double the likelihood that a pregnant mother will suffer from the blood pressure condition called pre-eclampsia. 人们发现AB型血人患上心脏病的几率要比O型血高出23%。AB型血的孕妇出现子痫前期这类高血压症状的几率要比其他血型高出一倍。 One intriguing blood type study published in the journal Neurology found that those with type AB blood were 82 percent more likely to have cognitive difficulties — specifically in areas like memory recall, language and attention — than people with other blood types. The researchers suspect that the clotting protein known as coagulation factor VIII is to blame. “Since factor VIII levels are closely linked to blood type, this may be one causal connection between blood type and cognitive impairment,” said study author Mary Cushman. 发表在《神经科学》(Neurology)上的一篇血型研究报告指出,AB型血人出现认知障碍的可能性要比其他血型高出82%,特别是在记忆力、语言、和注意力方面。研究人员怀疑,罪魁祸首是一种名为VIII的凝血因子。对此,该项研究报告的作者玛丽•库什曼表示,“凝血因子VIII的浓度与血型关系密切,因此,血型和认知障碍之间可能存在因果联系。” If you have type AB blood you're cool, controlled, rational and adaptable … and critical, indecisive, forgetful and irresponsible. AB型血的人冷静、自律、理性并且适应能力强……但他们也很吹毛求疵、优柔寡断、健忘并且缺乏责任心。 OIf you have blood type O 如果你是O型血 If you fall into the O blood group, you have neither A nor B antigens on your red cells, but both A and B antibodies in your plasma. O positive is the most common blood type; O negative is the universal donor type, meaning those with this blood type can donate red blood cells to anybody.  如果你属于O型血,你的红细胞上既没有A抗原,也没有B抗原,但血浆会同时有A抗体和B抗体。O型阳性是最常见的血型;O型阴性是“万能血型”,即他们可以将红细胞捐献给任何血型的人。 For those with type O, it’s a mixed bag. If you have type O, you are more likely to get ulcers — and believe it or not, to rupture your Achilles tendons. You are also at higher risk of cholera. The good news is that people with type O blood are at a lower risk for pancreatic cancer and face a lower risk of dying from malaria than people with other blood groups; that said, is you have type O, you are twice as likely to be a mosquito magnet than those with type A blood. 对于O型血人来说,情况喜忧参半。O型血人得溃疡和跟腱断裂的几率比其他血型要高,而且,他们还更容易患上霍乱。但是从好的一面来看,他们得胰腺癌或死于疟疾的风险比其他血型的人要低。补充一句,O型血人比A型血人招蚊子待见的多。 If you have type O blood, you are confident, self-determined, strong-willed and intuitive; unfortunately, you are also self-centered, cold, unpredictable, and potentially a workaholic. O型血人很自信、自主、意志坚强并且洞察力敏锐。但不幸的是,他们也很自我、冷漠、善变,而且有成为工作狂的潜质。 Do you know what your blood type is? Does any of this ring true to you? 你是哪种血型呢?以上的描述里,有哪一项说中你了么?
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