
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival-Fortunate Son 越战时期著名反战歌曲 多数越战题材电影和游戏都采用过此曲 Creedence Clearwater Revival(克里登斯清水复兴合唱团,简称CCR),是20世纪60年代到70年代最受喜爱的一支超级摇滚乐队。他们的音乐植根于美国南方的民间音乐,早年的歌曲带有强烈的布鲁斯色彩,对Lynyrd Skyny

    2014-05-01 13:35
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  • 图集来源:中华网老照片图库 这是一组二战时期奥斯维辛集中营的今昔对比图。 波兰奥斯威辛-比克瑙国家博物馆新出版了一批拍摄于二战期间审讯营的照片,同时还附有这些地方如今的照片。二战期间,纳粹党在奥斯威辛残忍杀害了一百多万人,其中大多数是犹太人。战时照片由德国纳粹党卫军成员拍摄于1944年,出现在奥斯威辛相集中。其中包含近200照片,展现了匈牙利犹太人抵达比克瑙审讯营的过程。这些照片收录了

    2014-04-20 15:52
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  • 图集来源:中华网老照片图库 1955-1975荷赛震憾新闻照片 1955,摩托车越野世界赛期间,一位赛车手从摩托车上掉下。(图片作者:Mogens von Haven) 1956, 一位德国二战囚犯被苏联释放,与他的女儿团聚。这个孩子自一岁起就没有见过自己的父亲。(图片作者:Helmuth Pirath) 1957, 首位进入刚刚废除种族隔离限制的Harry H

    2014-03-16 13:14
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  • This road is notorious for numerous accidents, along with its ghosts! Many a sleepy driver has met an untimely end on the road, but many of its ghost stories arent even related to the accidents. A t

    2013-12-16 22:02
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  • Landocommando would smack me if I didnt include this and, fortunately, it actually turned out to be interesting! Mary Angela Road is a lonely, backwoods road that leads to the source of its legends:

    2013-12-15 14:54
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  • Ok, calm down. Two Ohio roads, Ian?Really?Well, yes, really. And thats all, I promise. Weve all heard of the movie The Shawshank Redemption, filmed at the Mansfield Reformatory, in Mansfield, Ohio (

    2013-12-15 00:07
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  • Im uncertain if cops patrol this highway because, according to legend, your car will break down if you travel the thoroughfare with pork in your possession. But, I will leave this inquiry up to grea

    2013-12-14 22:21
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  • This one is at the number 10 spot for many reasons, but the most prominent reason is, perhaps, my bias towards it. I visited this road the night before I wrote this list and it was definitely a stra

    2013-12-14 22:01
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  • This photo shows two power linemen, Randall Champion and J. D. Thompson, at the top of a utility pole. They had been performing routine maintenance when Champion brushed one of the high voltage line

    2013-12-14 21:09
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  • Thedesegregationof buses inBoston, Massachusetts,was ordered in 1965and by 1974, protests against this reform had become asevere and widespread problem. In 1976, Stanley Forman took a photograph tha

    2013-12-14 20:55
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  • In 1941, workers at the Ford Automobile Plant in Detroit, Michigan, went on strike. The workers wanted higher pay, but the plant had refused. A strikebreaker attempting to break up the crowd was bes

    2013-12-14 20:21
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  • This is one of the most infamous photographs ever taken. The photographer Eddie Adams would laterregret being on the sceneat the time, because his photograph would go on to destroy the lives of the

    2013-12-14 20:10
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  • James Meredith, a prominent civil rights activist, wasleading a marchwhen he was sprayed in his back with birdshot. The shooter was a man called Aubrey Norvell, who had reportedly shouted, I just wa

    2013-12-14 19:50
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  • This photograph was taken in Amona, in Israels West Bank. Israels government considered Amona to be a camp of illegal settlerswhether Israeli citizens or notand 10,000 policemen were ordered to forc

    2013-12-14 19:25
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  • Roberts was walking through a Hollywood parking lot in the afternoon when he heard the screams of a woman. He found a man on top of her, attempting to subdue her with punches and slaps. Roberts was

    2013-12-14 19:08
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  • Six photos were taken of thedeliberate on-pitch assaulton African-American Johnny Bright, a college football player for the Drake Bulldogs. 1951年10月20日,六张照片拍摄显示约翰尼布赖特蓄意攻击对方黑人球员,其中被攻击的黑人为德雷克大学斗牛犬队的球

    2013-12-14 18:49
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  • President John F. Kennedy and former president Dwight D. Eisenhower are having a wintertime walk at Camp David in winter. Kennedy has just asked Eisenhower what he thinks of the botchedBay of Pigs I

    2013-12-14 18:34
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  • This picture was taken in South Vietnam in the aftermath of theBattle of Long Tan. The Viet Cong were repelled after launching a night attack on Australian forces, and the Viet Cong soldier in the p

    2013-12-14 18:24
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  • 日期:08:16:0206 /08/ 1945年8月6日,08:16:02 类型:空爆,580m 产量:15千吨 1945年8月5日,蒂贝斯上校召集509小组全体人员开会,这是一次交底会。他第一次宣布,509小组之所以训练10个月,是为了在日本投掷一颗炸弹,但它不是一颗普通炸弹,而是相当于两万吨TNT能量的原子弹。82号B-29型轰炸机将由蒂贝斯上校担任正驾驶,原来的正驾驶罗伯特-刘

    2013-12-02 18:54
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  • 德国元首阿道夫希特勒和意大利法西斯领导者墨索里尼同坐在车内

    2013-12-02 18:47
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